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  • Writer's pictureJohnruf Niño Nuñala

Day 12 - Hooray its Friday!

Satu, Dua, Tiga! A class picture of XI MIPA

Top spin

looking awkwardly as I hit the ball

Hooray alas it’s Friday! After some busy days, the week is finally about to end. I enjoyed experience I have so far. Our mentor see to it that we are occupied and we are learning day by day. This day I decided to wear a white long sleeve similar with Mass as my uniforms are still wet after I washed it last night. We arrived to SMA Baturraden early in the morning and sip a cup of warm tasty tea(which is our normal routine everyday) while preparing for our first class. Actually, I still don’t have class today but I will be accompanying Mass on his class at 8:30am. I went out for awhile to go to the toilet when I saw a familiar sport played by Pak Eric beside the guard house. I rushed to the toilet to go to the guard house and ask to play the game. The game is called pingpong or formally known as table tennis. I am not good at it but I know some chops and top spins from the past. I totally enjoyed the game that I almost failed to notice the time. We were about to start the class as it is almost 8:30am. I did not know that someone took a photo of me playing the game and sent it to Ibu Cici. Ibu then forwarded the picture to me and told me that I can play the game again with Pak Eric next Friday. I am happy to know that I can play some sports as a sort of recreation at school.

SEA-Teachers duo

8:30am and it now time for me to help Mass on his class. Mass is a good friend of mine from Thailand who is on his 2nd year of college who will be teaching Physics in class. Mass is a diligent person as he normally review his lesson and listen to comments for the betterment of his performance in school. He even slept late at night to prepare his lesson for the following morning and knowing that he is still on his sophomore years, it is already a feat. What challenges him the most is using English as his medium of instruction to students who are also not use to the language itself. I can see that he is capable of discussing the lesson to the students but there are times that he runs out of words. During the time that he finds it hard to explain, I normally insert myself to the discussion to explain further. We are tagged as dynamic duo at school because we have our backs together. I know that with constant practice and exposure, Mass can be better more that what he can imagine.

Variety of Pressure

Mass lesson in class is about Static fluid and measuring the pressure. In life, we are dealing with different pressure. Some people are just passive about, some feel anxious about it, some freak out and some carry it as if they don’t feel the pressure at all. Pressure is good as it pushes us to our limits and if does that, we can do things beyond what we can imagine. Through pressure, we learn new things and discover our capabilities and attitude. We need to understand each of us carry our own pressure. Meaning we have to be mindful of our action because if we add more pressure to a person who have been working hard to manage his own pressure, he might burst in rage that might yield a very bad result.

My First Batik Ever

Different batik patterns in Toko Benang Raja

When I arrived in Indonesia, what I noticed is the kind of shirt that people are wearing. It is not new to my eyes actually as I have friends who are from Indonesia who wear such. But what amazes me the most is that most of people in Indonesia if not all own a one or more batik polo. “Batik” is like their national outfit here in which it is made of fabric with intricate designs showing how colorful and artistic is the culture of the country. After knowing that Ibu Cici will take us to a store where we can buy a cheap one, I was so excited. We head straight to the batik outlet and behold I got my very own batik shirt.

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